Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ignoring the biological needs just for a person...

I was really an all nighter the last night
I spent the night just chatting with my friend

We first started talking about the our new section, 1-8
and by the time you know we were already talking about
the reasons why we joined 1-8

I first told her how sad it will be for me
knowing only a single face in a class that will be in reality very large
She told me that it will be alright
and that the only reason she joined was for me...
I was surprised at her saying that...
After a few seconds i answered that
I joined 1-8 just for her...
She smiled, I smiled, We laughed

She then told me that her best friend has a chance to be my seatmate
since his surname is "Olalo" while mine was "Ona"
I said that I'm just fine with that
Then I joked saying if she could remove a part of her surname
for her to be close to us
She laughed and I laughed, We once again laughed for a while

Then I asked her another question saying that
if she laughed in public so loud that everyone stared at her
A pause then she replied with a yes with a matching laugh
Then she asked me the said question, I also replied with a yes and a matching laugh

In our conversation I realized that I was the only one with the questions...
did she realize that I was trying to know her more and more?
was she getting the hint that I was trying to win her affections?
She didn't seem to be bugged by my questions so I continued

Then out of the blue I asked her if she believed in befriending professors
She laughed and said in a loud voice "NEVER!!"
I laughed with her and also said no when she returned the question

Finally she asked me a question
for me I think she was asking a random question
but maybe there was something but I just ignored whatever it is
she asked me how long was the flight to california from manila
I replied with the answer 15 hours and 50 mins (got that from a website)

Our conversation continued with random questions
some were funny questions while some were sad

after some time
I asked her if she was sleepy
she said no
she returned the question
I said a little bit but I'll hold
she changed her primary pic
I liked that pic
It was so different from the others

we continued with our chat
and asking one another if we were tired from time to time

Then finally a serious question popped up from her
She asked me if I were scolded by my parents
I said ofcourse
and told her about a time when I was seriously scolded
what I told her was a really sad story
we just shook the sadness with laughs, lots and lots of laughs

Finally I asked her if she was tired
she said a little and then returned the question
I said yes

We bid our goodnights
she logged out
a few seconds later I logged out
It ended.

Goddnight ^_^