Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Isaac in our life

When i mean't Isaac
I was preferring to the son of Abraham
in the Bible

In the bible it said that
Abraham had a son at the age of a hundred
though amazed from that miracle,
God ordered Abraham to sacrifice Isaac
for God

so Abraham still followed God's orders
and as before he struck his son,
God interfered and said to Abraham
that he can stop for has already proven himself to God

In putting this scenario in our lives,
what is your Isaac you say,
well it could be something very precious to us
like our lovers, an object of some sort or something else,

and to achieve something we really want
we must be prepared to sacrifice something very precious to us in return
or our Isaac in other words

I'm not really sure what is the Isaac in my life
I guess whatever it is
I have to sacrifice it
though it is always painful to sacrifice something very precious

It's just like a very important part of yourself has just died
though to replace that, a new part of you has just been born