Monday, August 18, 2008

Recovering from the Preliminaries...

Guess recovering from the prelims took longer than i thought
Damn that was a killer!

I never thought that the test would be that easy yet difficult
Who would have thought that theology and values ed.(yes values education)
would be tougher than algebra and chemistry put together

now that I'm fully recovered from that blasted
tests, now I'm unsure if i passed or failed the tests

Why were tests even invented?
Was it just to prove that something entered our thick skulls?
or was it just invented for us to be tormented?

When you think life graces on you,
suddenly you enter your personal hell
and every unlucky shit explodes in your face

then when you think all hope is lost
and when you think God turned his back on you,
an angel comes and grabs on your hand to help you stand up

between Friday and Monday i felt all of that
talk about a roller coaster of mixed emotions
I hated and loved life this weekend

I wonder what awaits me when final exams come?
Will I lose hope again? then instead of a helping comes
will a hammer fall and crushes me to the ground?

I just don't care right now what happens to me
because I can accomplish anything I set up my mind to
with the help of family, friends, and of course that angel that gives me a helping hand

I wonder what happens tomorrow morning?

Well goodnight readers and have a nice slumber
in your feather like beds

au revoir

P.S.: I'm just wondering how the hell did i get hooked to Demi Lovato's song "This is me" Life sure is weird yet fun and difficult at the same time


drylsmtr said...

haha :)) nice post mehn. :D life is a bitch. nice game din kanina. :) wuuu! ang lalakas nyu na, haha :))