Thursday, July 17, 2008

What's up with the professors?

Damn this particular professor in one of my courses
He said 2 weeks ago that this particular work should be finished
Then he said earlier that it will be passed next week? WTH?!

For some, this kind of thing pisses them of
To others, its a wish come true

Some were prepared to do pass their work
made with blood,sweat,and tears
Yet, some just made their work on a rush
so that an extension will be a wish come true
College life really confuses me O_o
There are still 4 years ahead

so maybe I'll be used to all the crap
the professor will throw at us
Just as long they don't throw real crap (Oh Shit!! He Threw Shit!!!)

Bottom line:
"I have to study harder
so hard that my tears will turn to blood
and my sweat will be like a faucet
so that I'll attain that 4 letters besides my name...